How it works
Curbside is a unique platform where both patients and healthcare professionals can contribute to and share insights on diseases and treatments. It's a mix of Wikipedia and Yelp, where everyone has the ability to add, edit, and rate information to help make informed healthcare decisions.
1.Search for a Disease
Use the search bar to find detailed information about any disease. You'll find descriptions, symptoms, treatment options, and user-generated ratings and reviews. Can’t find a disease, add a new one and see what other think.
2.Add or Edit Disease Pages
Have more information or updates? Whether you're a patient or a doctor, you can add new diseases or update existing pages. Contribute to the knowledge base by sharing your experience or expertise.
3.Rate & Review Treatments
Tried a treatment? Rate it from 1 to 5 stars and share your thoughts:
Was it effective?Any side effects?
Would you recommend it to others?
Both patients and doctors can contribute their perspectives, creating a more rounded view of each treatment.
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